State Farm has done it again with their hilarious commercials. She-sheds have suddenly popped up as the female version of the “man cave”. Honestly- it took the world long enough to give us our own space! I’m not going to go in to why men had their own space for so long and women haven’t- instead I’m going to help you find a space in your home or a room that is just for YOU. Adults need a time out every once in a while too right? It doesn’t have to be a shed or basement or even an entire room. I think we all just need somewhere we can escape to and sit with our thoughts or a glass of vino. If you have the room however, literally not figuratively, then claim it- make it for you and you only. No kids, husbands, pets, dishes, laundry or cleaning products allowed. Remember the Little Rascals club house- “No Girls Allowed”, this is now a “No Interruptions Allowed” zone. Look at these amazing she-sheds
Let’s start with those of us that don’t have the room for our own room, or a finished basement or a she-shed. How can you claim a space in your home just for you? It might be harder than we think, but let’s use our imaginations. The first step I think- is what are we doing in this space. Do you love to read? Are you going to listen to a podcast? Do you have work to do? Do you just need to sit with a glass of wine? Once you can identify what you want that space to feel like for you- it will be easier to know what needs to go there.
The master bedroom- it’s where your day begins and ends and that’s pretty much it. If you’re like me, there isn’t a whole lot of space in that bedroom for anything. Listen, people are putting their entire lives in 30 sq. foot tiny homes and making it work. That empty corner of your room has your name written all over it. Maybe it’s not big enough for a chair, but a pouf might work there or even some floor pillows. Obviously this isn’t ideal if you need to work on a computer, but if you’re looking for a quiet corner to unwind with a book or your headphones, this might just work! How adorable is this velvet pouf? Or maybe the diamond woven moDRN pouf is more your style?
The family room- the place where EVERYBODY is all the time. It’s really hard to find a place here that would be just for you, without any interruptions. My advice, unless you have a formal living/sitting room and a family room- is that this space should be left for living!
The spare bedroom- if you have one. I have one and you know what I use it as- my closet. It is literally my dressing room. BUT after moving in with my boyfriend and realizing that sometimes you literally just need some quiet space- I got a small chair that folds up that I was able to put in there so that if I needed to close the door and wanted to sit and read- I could! Let’s be real though- that chair just holds clothes! Okay but seriously, if you have a legitimate spare bedroom complete with bed etc this is the PERFECT space to set up shop. You can work in here, close the door, nap, lay down, watch TV – your options are pretty endless. The even better part about this- decorate it up!!! If this is where you are going to go to collect your thoughts- you want the space to be a space you love to be in and are comfortable there. Change the bedding- add a vase of flowers- hang a decorative mirror. It is easy to transform a space in to somewhere you enjoy being alone.
The porch- the dream escape place for anyone who doesn’t live in New England. Half kidding- I would NEVER leave the porch if we had one. Imagine a rocking chair out there, some gorgeous plants and a cup of coffee in the morning. Obviously if you live in NE- you can really only use this space for 3 months out of the year (maybe 4) if you’re lucky BUT during that time it makes for a magical space where it’s just you and really nothing else. Porches are so inviting to me and seem like a great place where you can catch up with a friend- social media- a good book. If I could choose a space to have, a porch would be first on my list.
I hope you start to think about a space where you can go and unwind- maybe it’s the closet to escape for 5 minutes- I’m not judging! If you come out of that space a better person or more collected than you went in- the space is doing what it should! If you need help finding a space or decorating a space or claiming a space- let me know. I’m here for you!
My new porch will be small but it will be mine and I can’t wait to sit out there with a cup of tea, and you😘. Can’t wait for all your ideas and decorating finesse for my new house.