Making a list seems like an obvious, easy thing to do? But when you talk to people who feel overwhelmed or anxious over how much they have to do or what they want to accomplish if they have made a list- the answer is almost always no. When it comes to things to do- I will get nothing done and forget everything unless it is written down. To me, there is nothing more satisfying than checking boxes or crossing items off of a piece of paper. I always feel so much more accomplished when I look at my list and see what I was able to get done. I make a list for EVERYTHING- the market, things to do around the house, work to-do’s etc. If you ask my bestie what I always ask when she is feeling overwhelmed with work…Did you make a list? One thing I recommend when redecorating or designing a room is to keep a list going of what you want, ideas you have, what you have left to do. It helps keep your thoughts organized and in check. Maybe you’ll be starting a project in 6 months, start the list now so that in 6 months you know what you liked/needed prior to the start of the project. And- you won’t forget!

It’s so easy to get distracted at the store when you are shopping for your home, which makes it easy to forget what you need or wanted for a particular space. I have a hard time staying focused (because pretty things) but a list helps keep my mind on track and my eye on the prize. My 2019 resolution was to keep my calendar up to date (how adult of me) and so far, I have done a pretty good job. Keeping tasks doesn’t have to be on paper- we live in the generation of cell phones for everything. If I know I need to do something, it goes right in to my phone calendar with a reminder, and then into the planner I keep in my purse. has great ideas for what to keep in your planner. There are so many amazing ways to keep track of things in your phone and still get the satisfaction of checking them off. Amazon has amazing finds for planners for everyone! Check them out!

Pinterest is another easy, free way to save ideas and things you love and want to do for your home! Back in the day, actual mood boards were the way we saved ideas but with technology these days, it is all virtual. You can create specific boards for each room of your house if you wanted to and save as many ideas under each board as you want. If you don’t have a Pinterest account and have a home project coming up, I suggest signing up for a free account and to start saving ideas. My dad is a General Contractor and he tells me all the time that his clients show him what they want from ideas they have saved on Pinterest. It is easier to see a picture of what you envision than having someone try to explain it to you!
As a designer, having a list or visual of what you like and envision for your space makes my job so much easier. Maybe you saw something and snapped a photo of it at a friend’s house or fell in love with bedding at the store but wasn’t sure if it would fit in your space. Giving a visual makes the dream a reality. I am a great listener, but actually seeing what inspires you- is what inspires me! I am also happy to help you create a Pinterest board or to-do list for your ideas and dreams for your home. If you’re feeling unorganized or not sure where to start- let’s start together and before you know that list of what you dream for your home will come to life!
Pinterest has definitely given me so many ideas for the house but I don’t have them very organized so creating a “vision board” for each room is a great idea as my trying to actually make the physical ones has been a fail! Thanks for the advice and I will be needed your help to make it all a reality😘